بالصور.. العالم يحتفل باليوم العالمى للمرأة بمظاهرات ضد العنف بواسطة اموال الغد & amwal team 8 مارس 2018 | 1:04 م كتب اموال الغد & amwal team 8 مارس 2018 | 1:04 م النشر FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinWhatsappTelegramEmail 5 The #MeToo movement has gradually gained ground in South Korea, which remains socially conservative and patriarchal in many respects despite its economic and technological advances. / AFP PHOTO / Jung Yeon-je The #MeToo movement has gradually gained ground in South Korea, which remains socially conservative and patriarchal in many respects despite its economic and technological advances. / AFP PHOTO / Jung Yeon-je اللينك المختصرللمقال: https://amwalalghad.com/7lox